Experts in investigative research across Africa.
afridiligence fills a specific service gap in the African market, the lack of a dedicated provider of investigative research to cover a complex continent.
Enhanced due diligence, litigation support, background checks, risk advisory, compliance screening. The end purpose of the work we do may vary but the basis of the service we provide is always the same.
We are a group of professionals and in-country experts, locally present in every African country that falls into our coverage area . We do not outsource. Very few other companies operating in the sector can compete with this unique advantage.
Our work is focused and equally enhanced as well by local partnerships and affiliations with professional bodies such as chambers of commerce, trade organizations as well as national bar associations.
Reach across a continent
On a continent with more countries than Europe, North or South America, a population in excess of 1 billion people and more than 2000 active languages, it is important to have local experts available to help navigate through the complexity and source the relevant information or research required.
Unlike other continents and countries where available infrastructure allows people to obtain comprehensive information even at a distance, most of Africa is different and requires a local presence for manual examination of filings, conversations with sources who need to be approached in person or contacting organizations that may have no working website or even phone numbers.
These enquiries have to be conducted in a discrete manner; as the local business culture largely does not subscribe to the concept of transparency. Direct enquiries may be met with reluctance, obfuscation or in other circumstances outright hostility.
Our local expertise ensures that we are aware of these challenges and conduct our enquiries in a discrete yet comprehensive manner that provides the client all they need for third party advisory or making relevant business decisions themselves.
Diverse client base
Our client base is as diverse as the countries we deal with. This diversity means we are well-adapted to deal with a range of client requests and requirements. Our client base includes:
- Banks and other Financial Institutions
- Law firms
- NGOs
- Government departments and agencies
- Major consultancy and advisory outfits

A Tailored Offering
We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all solution for all our clients. We believe that each respective client despite the similarity of their requirements has certain custom needs that vary and need to be accounted for at the forefront of our service offering.
Whether you are making critical decisions or simply mitigating your risks.
afridiligence offers you informational advantages in some of the most challenging jurisdictions across Africa. Leverage these advantages today.